3 empowering truths

So, yesterday I wrote a bit about the dark side of this life (you can find that here). Here’s the counterpoint to that!

My eyes have been opened lately to the fact that I have a tendency to put human characteristics on God. What do I mean by that? Here are a couple example questions that pop into my mind….along with the self-talk that I use to combat them.

1. Is God’s love really unconditional? (Because of what human love looks like, I can’t wrap my mind around unconditional love. But, even though that is true, it doesn’t change the fact the God is love.)

2. Is God disappointed in me because of the things I haven’t done for Him? (I know I have not acted when I should in certain areas of my life but, that doesn’t mean He is disappointed in me. He’s much more interested in who I am to Him vs. what I do for Him.)

3. Is God waiting for me to do the exact right thing before He can act? (God is God. He doesn’t need me to act….but He desires me to be a team player.)


OK, so, God is God….He is unlike me. He is unlike me even in my best Mother Theresa/Ghandi-ish times. What does that mean? So much. So, so much. Here are 3 examples:

He has always loved me.


He is a big deal….actually, He’s THE big deal.

At my lowest

He will find you in your sin and offer you His hand to pull you out of it.


Friends, let’s walk in the freedom that was won for us. Sure, we don’t deserve it. But, that doesn’t mean that we don’t have it!

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